Ready to Feel Comfortable in Your Body?

Increase Your Energy, Flexibility, Mobility and Vitality! This is the Promise of Gentle Somatic Yoga!

If You want to:

  • Relax and release chronic tension

  • Get to the root cause of muscle pain

  • Free yourself from pain for the long term

  • Prevent injury and recover from physical pain quickly

  • Regain your freedom to move anyway you please

Then you’re in the right place!

Come Enjoy Gentle Somatic Yoga

Gentle Somatic Yoga is a very gentle, relaxing, yet powerful way to release the (conscious and unconscious) tension you are holding in your body.  


When you release this tension, you...

  • Reduce aches and pains, including chronic tension
  • Improve flexibility and mobility
  • Increase energy
  • Sleep better
  • Improve digestions
  • Reduce depression and anxiety
  • Relieve stress
  • Become more resilient to life's challenges
  • You start to feel more like your best self again.


The Primary Intent of Gentle Somatic Yoga is FREEDOM!


Most people come to Gentle Somatic Yoga as a way to reduce pain and tension, and to feel better physically. Practicing Gentle Somatic Yoga WILL deliver on that promise but there is so much more to gain if you are open to the possibilities.


The word YOGA (from the Sanskrit word yuj, “union”) means union of the individual soul or self with Spirit. “Yoga” is to embrace and unite with your Whole Self (Soma). This includes accepting our body’s perceived limitations, and suspending all judgment of it. It also means loving ourselves unconditionally and letting go of that which no longer serves us.


As we release old habits and patterns of holding stress in our body, more space is created to awaken what is possible for ourselves on every level.


Embrace the new you today!


What Do You Get?

  • Full Length Workouts

  • Form Tips

    Learn the little things that will make a big difference in getting the most out of these flows.

  • Short Flows

Gentle Somatic Yoga

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Why Does Gentle Somatic Yoga Work when nothing else has?

Gentle Somatic Yoga is working at the root cause of your tension and pain.


The brain controls your muscles. You will be doing movements that will re-train your brain to release the muscles it is holding in contracted, tight positions. When you relax your nervous system, it allows the brain to learn in a more fluid and effective way.  These movements are actually re-patterning your brain to body connection through your nervous system.


Why is this important?  


Because it allows you to "un-do" the movement patterns you have been doing daily that have been creating the pain, discomfort, lack of mobility and poor posture you are now living with.  


Once you've released those tight, contracted muscles and bound up fascia, you will experience a newfound joy in your body.  

Your pain, stiffness and immobility will be reduced while your energy levels and state of being will soar.


I can't wait for you to experience all the benefits Gentle Somatic Yoga has to offer. Come join me for class today.

Gentle Somatic Yoga

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People are Loving These Classes!

Thanks Renee, am so grateful for everything you do. I got tingling and feeling in my toes that I hadn't had in a while.

Mary O.

Thank you so much for working with me. I am feeling so much better. In fact, I haven't had any pain since.



That was such an amazing class. I feel better than I have in a long time. You are such a fantastic teacher and inspiration!


I bought the Gentle Somatic Yoga package a week or two ago and am very excited about it. My body has so much tension in it, my chiropractor keeps saying ‘you need to relax’ and I was like ‘how?’ Then I tried your first video with the gentle somatic stretch and felt so much better! Cant' wait to do more of them!


These somatic stretch classes feel so important. They speak to the values of stillness, non-doing and being, all for their own sake. I need way more of that in my life!! These new classes will help with that. Also, I got some really deep openings in my mid-back. I could feel all this space. It was lovely. I am looking forward to more of these classes.


I was not noticing much of a difference at all with the body work and adjustments before I reached out to you for help. The somatics are just what my body parts needed, and I never would have figured that out on my own. I never understood the benefits of the somatic releases--but I do now!!! You had my answer in the somatic releases!!

Cindy B.

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